Hello World!

My name is Ilya, I have been interested and growing in the IT sphere for many years.
Now I mainly work on java and javascript.
Just below you can find a list of some of my developments, and if you click Hub, you can try it yourself.

Contact me at: [email protected]
My blogs and channels

Since April 12 2021 I have been coding for 4579 hours. 00 hours 00 minutes I spent developing today and hours over the last 7 days.

Participating in the development
My libraries
VottyFinishedVoting bot for your discord serverNode.js, Postgres, discord.js
ПроПрофессии и ПроВозможностиFinishedTelegram bot for festival "ProProfessionals and ProPossibilities"Node.js, Mongoose, Telegraf
PWVoiceActiveТелеграм бот для транскрипции голосовых сообщенийNode.js, Redis, Postgres, Telegraf
Imperium GuardActiveБот модератор для телеграм чатовNode.js, Redis, Postgres, Telegraf
NamePositionDates of work
Последняя реальностьProgrammer12.01.2024 - today
Тринадцать огнейProgrammer24.07.2023 - 18.12.2023
Голос времениProgrammer06.01.2023 - 06.07.2023
Идеальный мирProgrammer29.04.2022 - 30.12.2022
Игра БогаProgrammer14.02.2022 - 18.04.2022
Hilarious: MinigamesManager, Tech. admin20.08.2020 - 11.01.2023
jrwebJava web server without dependenciesjava
uptimekuma-apiWrapper for interacting with uptimekumajavascript, types
rgcacheCaching libraryjavascript, types
hilsu-apiA wrapper that allows you to use most API methods from hil.sujavascript, types
log4j-node-yandex-cloud-loggingAn appender for log4js that allows you to record logs in yandex loggingjavascript, types
node-redguy-apiWrapper for interacting with the API redguy.rujavascript, types
RedGuyAPIJavaWrapper for interacting with the API redguy.rujava
animatextTest library for creating and playing ascii animationsjavascript