Hello World!

My name is Ilya, I have been interested and growing in the IT sphere for many years.
Now I mainly work on java and javascript.
Just below you can find a list of some of my developments, and if you click Hub, you can try it yourself.

Contact me at: [email protected]
My blogs and channels

Since April 12 2021 I have been coding for 4176 hours. 01 hours 25 minutes I spent developing today and hours over the last 7 days.

Немного статистики

Подпольный транскриптор

Пользователей: 154607

Имперский стражник

Пользователей: 196840

Участников чатов: 164607

Наказаний: 37653

Репортов: 9599

Модераторов: 2738

Чатов: 720

Favorite stickers





Participating in the development
My libraries
Name Type Description Technologies
RDnevnik Active TG and VK interface for school.mos.ru Node.js, Postgres, Puppeteer, nlp.js, Telegraf
Votty Active Voting bot for your discord server Node.js, Postgres, discord.js
ПроПрофессии и ПроВозможности Finished Telegram bot for festival "ProProfessionals and ProPossibilities" Node.js, Mongoose, Telegraf
PWVoice Active Телеграм бот для транскрипции голосовых сообщений Node.js, Redis, Postgres, Telegraf
Imperium Guard Active Бот модератор для телеграм чатов Node.js, Redis, Postgres, Telegraf
Name Position Dates of work
Тринадцать огней Programmer 24.07.2023 - today
Голос времени Programmer 06.01.2023 - 06.07.2023
Идеальный мир Programmer 29.04.2022 - 30.12.2022
Игра Бога Programmer 14.02.2022 - 18.04.2022
Hilarious: Minigames Manager, Tech. admin 20.08.2020 - 11.01.2023
Name Description Language
jrweb Java web server without dependencies java
uptimekuma-api Wrapper for interacting with uptimekuma javascript, types
rgcache Caching library javascript, types
hilsu-api A wrapper that allows you to use most API methods from hil.su javascript, types
log4j-node-yandex-cloud-logging An appender for log4js that allows you to record logs in yandex logging javascript, types
node-redguy-api Wrapper for interacting with the API redguy.ru javascript, types
RedGuyAPIJava Wrapper for interacting with the API redguy.ru java
animatext Test library for creating and playing ascii animations javascript
Using and learning
java postgresql javascript nodejs mysql nuxt
I love and use
youtrack idea phpstorm github